What should I do with my discount code?
Simply add any applicable items to your basket and enter the discount into the discount code box to get a discount code. The discount code box can be found in your basket.
Can Ann Summers assist me with a discount code that isn't working?
There may be a minimum spend requirement, specific goods may be excluded, or the discount may not be usable when combined with other offers or discounts.
I'm experiencing some difficulties placing an order?
To begin, close your browser, then reopen it and try again.
You may also need to clear your cookies, which are little files that Ann Summers save on your computer to identify you the next time you visit Ann Summers (for more information about cookies, click here). If you delete your cookies without first signing in, the items in your bag or stored items list may vanish.
What should I do if I am unable to log into my account?
Make sure you're using the same email address and password you used when you first signed up β you can have many accounts, so double-check.
I haven't received any tracking information yet?
Ann Summers can arrange a package for overseas delivery in as little as 1-4 working days (excluding weekends and national holidays). You will receive an auto-email with tracking information once your order ships.
What happens if I am unable to accept my delivery because I am not at home?
If you are not home when your package arrives, the courier will normally try again or leave instructions on how to pick up your purchase or reschedule the delivery on a card.
Why has my package been marked as "Returned to Sender"?
International orders cannot be reshipped. Once the package is returned to Ann Summers's warehouse, a refund will be granted.
My tracking shows that my delivery has been delivered, but I have yet to get it?
If the tracking shows that this has been delivered, please check with a member of your household or a neighbour, since one of them may have picked up or signed for the delivery.