What should I do with my discount code?
Simply add any applicable items to your basket and enter the discount into the discount code box to get a discount code. The discount code box can be found in your basket.
Can Anns Cottage assist me with a discount code that isn't working?
There may be a minimum spend requirement, specific goods may be excluded, or the discount may not be usable when combined with other offers or discounts.
What is the payment method?
Anns Cottage accept payments through all major Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal.
Where does Anns Cottage ship?
Anns Cottage provides Worldwide shipping.
Is it possible to place an order over the phone?
Please contact the Website Team at 01208 869924 if you have any questions. (Anns Cottage are unable to take debit/credit card information over the phone.) The order would be paid for online via a Paypal request sent to your email inbox. You don't need a Paypal account to utilise this service; simply check out as a guest.
How do I keep track of my order?
A tracking number and carrier information are included in your shipment confirmation.
What is the time limit for returning an item?
Within the UK, orders are delivered in 14 days and overseas in 21 days.
Is it possible for me to return my products to one of your stores?
Yes, you are welcome to return your items to any of Anns Cottage's locations. Please keep in mind that the business will only be able to serve as a post office and will not be able to exchange or refund money.
Do I need to create an account to place a purchase?
No, Anns Cottage are delighted to welcome visitors to Anns Cottage's website.
Is it true that my data is kept private?
All of the information you provide to Anns Cottage is safe, secure, and private. Anns Cottage will never share your personal information without your permission.